Caught by the River

Danny & The Champions of the World.

7th February 2010

It’s always good to see a band that really deserves it getting some recognition and when one of your favourite rivers gets a look in too then it really is a happy day.
Danny Wilson was born and raised on the Wandle delta, south west of London, and the river runs through this great new record, both as reminiscence and metaphor, with Danny and the Champs coming on like timeless troubadours channeling the spirit of Ronnie Lane’s Slim Chance.
In common with all rock ‘n’ roll bands the Wandle has had it’s ups and downs. Going from majesty to ill health many times in it’s life, it now thrives under the care and attention of the Wandle Trust, who’s dedication is an inspiration. Here’s a track off of the album called ‘Wandle Swan’ and it goes out to them.
[audio:|titles=05 Wandle Swan]


The band’s record company, Loose, have kindly donated three copies of the album to make available as competition prizes. To have a chance at winning one, all you have to do is answer the following question correctly and send it to us at before end of play on February 10th. The first three correct answers out of the keep-net are the lucky ones. NOTE, you must be a member / subscriber to cbtr to be eligible for entry.
Here’s the question; ‘Where does the Wandle meet the Thames?’.