Caught by the River


Bill Drummond | 22nd September 2019

White Saviour Complex is still a play by Tenzing Scott Brown.

White Saviour Complex is to go on tour of one night stands across England and Ireland.

White Saviour Complex will star Tam Dean Burn and Bill Drummond, as per the short tour of Scotland held in June 2019.

White Saviour Complex is a three act play. The middle act comprises of the film BEST BEFORE DEATH.

White Saviour Complex will take place in cinemas at each of the one night stands on this tour.

White Saviour Complex appears at the following one night stands:

Monday 23rd September 6:30pm
London – Picturehouse Central

Tuesday 24thSeptember 6:15pm
Oxford – Phoenix Picturehouse

Wednesday 25th September 6:30pm
Liverpool – Picturehouse at FACT

Thursday 26th September
Leeds – Hyde Park Picturehouse

Friday 27th September
Dublin – The Irish Film Institute

Saturday 28th September
Belfast – Queen’s Film Theatre

Monday 30th September 6:00pm
Brighton – Duke of York’s Picturehouse

Tuesday 1st October 8:30pm
London – Hackney Picturehouse

Wednesday 2nd October 6:00pm
Cambridge – Arts Picturehouse

Thursday 3rd October 6:15pm
Norwich – Cinema City Picturehouse

Friday 4th October 6:00pm
York – City Screen Picturehouse

This is a LINK that will take you to blurb about the film and its trailer.

WHITE SAVIOUR COMPLEX is also a book about the play of the same name.

This book is hard back.

This book has been printed in an edition of one thousand.

This book will cost a tenner a go – cash.

This book will only be available directly from the hands of Bill Drummond who will be selling this book directly after each of the performance of the play.

This book will be sold on the steps of the cinema or from a convenient bus shelter.

There will be no second edition of this book.