Last Saturday, NTS broadcast one hour of field recordings made between the hours of dusk and dawn, selected and mixed by Cheryl Tipp – Wildlife and Environmental Sounds Curator at the British Library (still the best job title probably ever) – and, of course, treasured CBTR contributor.
The British Library’s collection of wildlife sounds was established in 1969 when the sound archive was an independent body known as the British Institute of Recorded Sound. Today, the collection has over 250,000 catalogued wildlife and environmental sound recordings covering all classes of sound-producing animals from all zoogeographical regions.
The mix features a selection of field recordings that focus on species usually active when the rest of the world has fallen silent for the night – Atlantic Grey Seals, corncrakes, Storm Petrels, Common Pipistrelles and red deer to name but a few. You can (and should) listen back to it here.