Caught by the River

Steve's Been Fishing

21st August 2010


As requested a few snaps from the ‘mighty’ tidal Trent. Having said that, it was all rather benign, very low levels, a subdued flow and a very small tidal range. Made this rank amateur’s job much easier. The clear water and low-levels made the gravel simple to find and armed with a bit of knowledge garnered from ‘tinternet’ (regular feeding & very long hook-lengths) it felt a little less ‘hit-and-hope’ than it has in the past.
The result, a smashing double figure fatty (barbel. ed), not amazingly long but ‘hulk-like’ across the back (my ‘suspect’ pocket scales said around 10.5lb) that nearly wrenched my rod into the water on the bite and took a good 10 minutes to land with 5 or 6 heart-stopping lunges where it took line like some demented creature from the deep. A lovely fish which, by the size of it’s girth, seems to have been enjoying the abundant feast of mitten crabs and monster crayfish the tidal has to offer.

Back again in early September for another bash.
